Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Let me introduce myself, my name is Max...

And, as you will soon find out from the entries I will post, I am far superior to that Chocolate Dog who is also otherwise known as Brown Dog, Pickles, and various other names my mother decides to call him. Honestly, he isn't all that. I am completely self-sufficient and take care of myself and don't even have to 'yell' at her when I have to have a bathroom break. I have a cool little igloo shaped thing I get to go to. That brown, furry, long-nosed creature cannot even open the door for himself. I understand why I can't, because I am not as tall and cannot reach the door handle, but him....please. He could reach the handle if he tried hard enough. I secretly laugh when mom scolds him. Heck, I thought his name was 'NoBen' the first 3 yrs he was around our house....had no idea his real name was just Ben. I mean all I ever heard was No Ben, No, No, No.

But enough about him. I was happily hanging out in various yards in a neighborhood when a previous boss of mom's decided I needed a good home. They wrangled me up and off I went to live a life of luxury. I never had to search for my food again, it just appeared every day. I have been with mom for 15 yrs and I love her. I really do. I don't show it much because that's just how cats are. Non-chalant and unaffected by things. I am very much the perfect animal because I don't fuss at mom, she doesn't have to walk me and I curl up on her chest when she is sad. She's a sucker for that stuff.

Now, enough about me. I wanted to tell you that mom is getting very excited and nervous about her store. She just oohs and aahs over so much of the artists work and she is so happy when someone lets her know they want to be in her gallery. She is one funny lady. I am the Advisor and get to help pick out the artists. What a cool job.

I am just glad for it all because she is happy. And when momma is happy, everyone is happy.
And my favorite part of it all is I get to curl up on her lap while she works on the computer. My favorite place to be is on mom's couch on a blanket or on the back cushions on a blanket or on a chair on a blanket. See a pattern here? Mom just loves it when I have my little paw stuck out. She thinks it is because I am reaching out for her. But really, its just because it's comfortable, but if it makes her happy....

All the best,
aka, Smartest Animal (ever) in the Wright House
(No worries about Ben, he is well aware of this fact as I tell him everyday)

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