Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Catching up... is so hard to write when you are watching a tribute to your most favorite singer ever...George Strait. Isn't he just the best-est!!

Here's a quick update about the store for you though (I think I can at least put together a few coherent sentences while the camera is panning over him) so that you will know how things are coming along. We are so close to opening and I am getting more excited every day. We have some wine and beer in now, soy candles have arrived, did I mention the wine and beer???? I am now the only store in the town of Farmville to sell Duck Rabbit beer, a wonderful beer brewed right down the street from me. I have more pictures for you, but thought I would show you the store mascot and his new favorite wines.
It's all very exciting and I can't wait. It sure makes you proud to see something come together doesn't it?
You all take care now.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm Floored

Time for a floor update...I know you are excited. I have shown some before pictures of the floor in a previous post but I have kindly included some before shots again for you. I want everyone to see just how much fun we have had throughout this process...

We were delighted to find concrete and what looked like brick pavers under all the layers (this ranged from vinyl and cardboard tiles) of old flooring!
We, (well, not really we, but my contractor) scraped and sanded each tile in the front of the building to reveal my wonderful floor. The pic here shows the floor before I put my sealer on this week.

Now, the creme de la creme, is the platform yours truly designed :) I passed on my grand plan to my contractor who worked his magic and made it all happen. (I love being the thinker-upper of all things wonderful.) The concrete at the back of the storefront area was not in good condition and something had to be done. With so much brick and concrete I wanted a different texture and this is what we came up with...

I love it. My friend wants me to add a pole in the center....

Sneak Preview

I am a slacker for not writing over the past few weeks, but it's been just a little bit crazy! We had a sneak preview the weekend of our local Dogwood Festival here in Farmville, NC! My main goal for the weekend was to gain exposure for the store. I had items from several of the artists that will be featured in the store on display. I really enjoyed seeing the items out of their boxes and on display. Helped to give me an idea of how things are going to look for the real thing!! I have old wooden shutters and ladders for the jewelry and I must say the jewelry hanging on the chipped paint shutters looks awesome! Thanks to mom and Britt who helped a lot! I have no idea what I would do without you girls! Girls ROCK!!