Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How many little things can there possibly be left to do????

I kept thinking the little things left won't take long to finish. But I would be wrong. They take FOR-E-V-E-R. I only want things to be right as I only have one time to make a great first impression. So I vacuum and I mop and I move things around and I put Orange-Glo on my newly varnished floors. I mean, really, any idea why I do that??? They were just varnished two months ago. This problem can simply be called obsession.

I obsess because I want everyone to enjoy shopping at MyleStone and to tell all their friends who will tell all their friends and so on.

My dear mother came down this past weekend to help us set things up. She keeps me on track. I had found this great tobacco basket and varnished it and she had to decorate it for me. We had some left over butterflies from the window display and we thought it would be nice to somehow add them into the basket display. She ended up adding these branches from a tree we had cut and then she added the butterflies. She was like a little kid and we all loved her creation. She manages to get a PhD in Accounting, run the entire finances for a small university and she still makes great displays???? Wow, what a talented star!

This has been such a family effort and my sister has been a gem with helping me. She also keeps me on track. She has organized the jewelry and the wine and the pottery, set-up the card display, designed my business cards...whew. I know you are asking yourself, "well, what has Meredith done?" I just supervise. And take pics of Ben in the store. And sample wine. (See why I need to be kept on track?)

What a dream store!!


Metallo Bianco Jewelry said... are too funny. Can wait to see more pics!

Meredith said...

I will have more for you this weekend!!

see_saw_sam said...

I'm so excited for you! Seems like everything is coming together nicely and you are going to have an awesome gallery/shop. My mom and I are keeping our fingers crossed for you that everything goes really well. Farmville needs a great place like this. (Ginger sends her best, too, and wags her tail for Ben).
Best - Sam