Sunday, March 29, 2009

You know that saying "As exciting as watching paint dry"???

I can tell you...watching paint dry Friday night and this weekend actually has been exciting. For me at least. I know you are thinking, this poor girl, she has no life. But in reality, I sort-of, kind-of do. See, my ceiling in the gallery was painted on Friday and I was thrilled as it is just one step closer to completion and the store opening. I chose a color dear to my heart, Labrador, in honor of Ben and he was most appreciative.

Actually, I had wanted a softer, less severe color than black on the ceilings to bring out the warm colors in the brick walls and Labrador seemed to do the trick. (The pics don't really do it any justice.) I checked on the color three times Friday night, once Saturday and will be checking on it again today. It really is exciting to see the paint dry and how the color looks with the light and the walls.
Ok, now that I look back at what I just wrote, I am now thinking that maybe I don't have a life. Shame.

So, off to paint samples on the back wall now.

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