Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Looking Back...nope, Looking Forward
Ok, to my point...2009 has been a wonderful year. I have become reacquainted with more people on Facebook, gained more weight than I intended, visited Brazil (again), planted some new plants, became even closer to my baby sister (if that's even possible) and opened a little shop in downtown Farmville, NC. Not a bad year.
I could go on and on about the things I didn't do in 2009 (so glad I don't make resolutions, I just break them anyway) but I think I will spare you the details of those things. I just know that all the little mistakes I make are character-building exercises, or so I am told. I know, however, that this coming year will be the start of my 40th year and I do plan to make some changes. I will be riding the bike my sister gave me all over town, I will be smiling more, meeting new people, giving back more to my community and try to live the life God has intended for me.
I started 2009 knowing I would open MyleStone. Work had already begun on the building in the Fall of 2008 and I was pleased as punch when my dream became a reality in June of this year. What I didn't know is that opening the gallery would also bring the joy of meeting some fantastic folks. The artists, wine reps and customers of MyleStone are simply the best. I have customers I now call 'friends' and artists that have changed the way I think about art. It has been an incredibly enriching experience. For a couple of girls not from here, Brittany and I feel a part of this community and we could not be more proud. You can expect many more good things from MyleStone.
It has been a great year and I am very blessed. No doubt there will be trials and tribulations ahead in 2010. I expect those things. They only make us stronger.
I wish you all the best in 2010. May peace and happiness be yours. Remember all those character building exercises won't hurt for long. Promise.
Be safe and take care and come see us.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Taste of Farmville
But, let's not worry about that.
Tomorrow night is the Taste of Farmville and I am looking forward to the store being full of people and the feel of Christmas. Paul with Duck Rabbit brewery will be in the store to sample his fabulous beers. Its a fun night and it kick-starts me into the season. I love seeing the town bustling with people and everyone socializing. Small town America at its best.
Come see us - 6:30-8:30.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Giving Thanks...
My mom is coming again this year to spend it with Britt and I and we can't wait for her to arrive. Ben is excited because he will get to sleep with her (I will truly be forgotten for 5 days) and she will give him plenty of treats 'just because'. No matter that his butt is getting big like his momma's, she will still feed him treats because he is pretty, sweet, a good boy, listened well (for once)...I think you get the idea. But nonetheless, we will be enjoying our time together and sharing some good wine of some even better food. She will be ready to help us decorate the store...yes, I refused to decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving as to me it just rushes everything. And then, she will help us decorate our houses. It is a wonderful time with family for me.
This is a very special time of year and I hope you are spending it with those you love. Remember those who may not have that chance and always give thanks for all God has given you.
I hope you and your family and friends have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.
May you be blessed always...
Monday, November 16, 2009
I better get with it...
It really was only 3 weeks ago that we had our last tasting, but with Thanksgiving next week we knew we had to plan something for this week so everyone could pick up wines for their holiday meal. We have some very special and delicious wines in store for you! How does almond champagne sound? Or a divine Lambrusco? How about a refreshing Riesling? The only way you can find out how fun and delicious these wines are is to come visit us Thursday from 5:30-7:30.
You should start your meal preparations on Thanksgiving the way we do...with wine. A light breakfast, put the turkey in the oven, drink a bit of wine. Mix the sweet potato souffle, start some pies, drink some more wine. Food on the table, eat til you're full and drink...well you get the idea.
Good wine will make your meal even better as it enhances all the flavors...I mean not that you would need wine to make your meal better...as I am sure you are a much better cook than I. Simply put, if you eat my cooking on Thanksgiving...you are going to want plenty of really good wine.
Come see us Thursday, have a good time and pick up some wines to make your meal better...ah, I mean complete.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
This One's for the Girls...Who dream with everything they have....
Proceeds from the event will go to this wonderful cause. Early detection is key and every woman should have the opportunity to get screened for breast cancer.
We have a new t-shirt that will be debuted that night and we are very proud of our design. (I think I might have a new career in t-shirt design) Picture this: Beautiful green fabric, wine glasses since we are a wine store too, a pink ribbon to indicate it is a breast cancer awareness shirt and a catchy saying, This One's for the Girls.
Call them what you will...boobs, breasts, tata's, 2nd base, the girls or whatever, they all deserve a lookin' after as they say 'round these parts. So, it's pretty darn simple. Come see us this Friday, sample some wine, check out our sparkly stuff, get your shirt, show your support.
This One's for the Girls, Who've wished upon a shooting star; You're beautiful the way you are; This One's for the Girls. If you love Martina McBride, you know what I am talking about. Gosh, I am such a country music geek.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Cows, horses, sausage rolls, rides and deep fried EVERYTHING
The NC State Fair holds many memories for me. My family and I went every year and the first stop was to see the cows. Yep, the cows. My Dad was a vet and we always stopped to see his clients that were there showing their livestock. The next stop would be to get cider, get food and then on to play some games and then off to see the horses.
The NC State Fair was an agriculture fair and to me, it always will be...well, that and a place to get fair food. Yeah, you know what I mean. Polish sausage, country cooking, cotton candy. Nowadays, they have added the turkey leg, fire roasted corn and anything you can think of that can be fried. I saw a vendor today with fried pecan pie. I mean, it was a smart person to combine two very Southern "foods"...pecan pie and grease. I just couldn't order one though. I was holding out for the NC State Dairy ice cream. Instead, I just stood there and watched everyone order the fried sweets and then I stared at their food to see what it looked like. No doubt they were thinking "Just order one already". I heard there was fried butter but I never saw it and probably best I didn't. I would have loved to have tried a bit. My arteries are closing just thinking about it.
I must admit that the fair has changed for me. It is still a magical place because of the sights and the smells but there are just too many rides and too many vendors. I wish the focus was more on agriculture. I miss that from my childhood. Being on a farm is blissful. While at the fair we were searching for vendors to provide us with NC grown products such as jellies, jams, peanuts and other sauces. Adding these products to the gallery will help solidify our desire to bring you quality handmade items from right here in our back yard. Products such as these will compliment the coffee, soy candles and wines we already stock. We can't all live on a farm, but I can bring a bit of that goodness right to you so we are working on that for you quickly.
I can promise you they will be good. And I can promise no deep fried batter of any sort. What you do with it is your choice.
Come see us.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
New stuff to help bring in the Fall
Check out the new pics....taken of course, by Brittany Wright Photography.

Finally Fall!
At MyleStone, we are busy bringing in new items for the season and for the upcoming holidays. We are very excited about the goings-on at the store. I am posting a pic of the latest event we had at the store on September 12. Mary Mac Gems had a special showing for us and we tasted several Spanish wines with an assortment of chocolate. It was a wonderful day!
What made it even more special for me was the surprise visit by some very dear people in my life. First, my best friend and 2nd Mama surprised me all the way from Virginia and I could have cried! It was wonderful. Then, a very short while later, my Aunt Diane and Uncle Joel paid a surprise visit as well!! I was so excited. Diane is my mom's older sister and I wish my mom had been here that day to see her too. I felt so blessed to have people come all that way to see me, Britt and the gallery.
Here are some pics from that day for ya....
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sparkly gems, baubles, bubbly, red, white, Spain, clementines in chocolate...

See you there!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Ginger, Nola and Doughtnuts???
Little did Brittany and I know that Ginger is this incredible ball of energy and a plethora of information. We talk her poor ears off every time she comes into the store. (What? Britt and I talk your ears off? I know, what a surprise!) She can provide info for just about anything you are looking for and knows just the right people to help get you to where you want to go. We realized it was a very small world in many ways and that we also share a love of Africa. She even knows where Danville, VA is....Not only is she an animal lover and a creator of the cutest bags as seen here and for sale in the gallery, she is the founder of the non-profit organization, Hope Aid International. After visiting Uganda, Ginger realized something needed to be done to assist and as a result, Hope Aid was founded. Proceeds from the sale of her bags go to support Hope Aid.

I could tell you about the organization but I know it would be worth your time to visit the Hope Aid site at http://www.hopeaid.org/ to learn more. Her blog I See Hope will inspire you and make you laugh too http://iseehope.blogspot.com/.
MyleStone Gallery is so pleased to have Ginger as one of our artists. She has become a fast friend and earned big points today by bringing Nola and the doughnuts. No really, we would still like her even if she didn't bring doughnuts. Really, we would. As long as she still brings Nola to see us.
Now, eight hours is plenty long to have gone without a doughnut. You have your two postings, I can have my two doughnuts.
Ben...dreams of being a model for a wine/beer label or is he just jealous??
He came in and checked everything out to make sure nothing or no one had come in that wasn't supposed to be and then he sat down nice and calm. He sat down in front of the Duck Rabbit beer and I grabbed the camera because I think Ben is hoping he will be the next model for a beer or wine company. He was curious why there was a duck/rabbit on the box instead of him but now understands how Paul, the owner of Duck Rabbit, came up with the name and he is ok with the logo. Ben did ask me why they couldn't have worked something out with him though as a Chocolate Lab would have also been a huge selling factor. He was appeased though when I showed him the Ellie's Brown Ale from Avery Brewing Co. which, rightfully so, has a Chocolate Lab on their label.
So here is Ben in various poses and also with his Va Tech collar trying to show people that he has talent. He could be a model for a label. He wants those dogs on that mountain in VA to know, he's just as handsome (spoiled too) and has what it takes to be a star DOG. He is also very modest. He personally thinks they need a Chocolate Lab on a label. He's dreaming about it now...they can call it, Chocolate Dog Dessert Wine. What a hit it would be!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Things Happen for a Reason
I had an old friend (let's call him "A") from my much, much younger days in VA and a 'newer' old friend ("B" shall we say) and a new acquaintance ("C") all at MyleStone at the same time. The old friend and his family from VA surprised me on their way home from Aurora. Yes, Aurora. I had no idea people from Southern VA even knew about Aurora, but they did. They were kind of enough to stop and see me and the store and I was thrilled! They picked up a six-pack of Duck Rabbit beer so they will surely get a good taste of Eastern NC, specifically, Farmville!
My 'newer' old friend, "B", was also a dear, dear friend to my Dad. She became a life-line for my famiy in 2003 and her friendship has become one of my most treasured. She had her dog, Sadie, with her who also has a special story.
Then a new acquaintance, "C", came in the door and there was a connection as well between "B", "C" and my dad, sister and I, plus a few wild horses. Confused yet? Well, simply, it's a darn small world and although I shed some tears today, I was warm with the thought of why we were all in the same place, MyleStone.
If you have followed my blog, you know why I named the store MyleStone and what it means to me. I was nostalgic today and re-lived some very good memories and I also remembered that we are where we are in life for a reason. I believe people are brought into our lives for a reason and we end up in places for a reason. I'm here now to share MyleStone with you.
I had a good day today. Come see us.
Monday, July 27, 2009
So how did the ribbon cutting and wine tasting go??

Fabulous! Simply wonderful! More than I expected!
I could go on and on. I was touched by the turnout and by the folks who seemed to have such a genuinely good time. I had a blast meeting new people and watching folks socialize with old friends. Ms. Mary Morrison Dixon played the piano for us and I thought the whole thing was was just very classy. (If I must say so myself.) I believe this might have been Farmville's very fist wine tasting event and what a pleasure to be the one hosting the evening.
I am very thankful for my dear friends who came to support me, some I haven't seen in years! I guess it didn't hurt that I had wine there either?? No really, they were there to see me and the gallery right? RIGHT? No way could it be just the wine.
I was simply undone by the outpouring of support from the community and MyleStone patrons. The mayor said some very kind words and the tears were right on the verge of spilling over. I couldn't look at Britt or Mom because they were both brimming too.
I will have more pics to post once Britt hands them over.
We will be hosting another wine tasting in early September. School starts in August and we want to let people get back into the swing of things. We are already looking forward to a wonderful event again!
I hope to see you there at the next one!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Where have I been???

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
How to get what you want....
Thanks to Jean Skipper and her copper jewelry for helping me illustrate how to go for it!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day

We are going to be in the paper this week for an article on our opening so I will post that for you to see.
I am also hoping you shared this day with your loved ones and that you soaked up every minute of togetherness. I planted five flowers today in honor of my dad. He would have loved knowing I was playing in the dirt. Three of the shrubs I planted were actually from the farm he grew up on in Cumberland Co. He would be proud. Gardening is a thing in our family and it is my form of art. I've told you before I can't draw or paint, but I do love being creative in my yard.
I think he would also think it is cool having a store named after him.
Be good and stay in touch.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Well, it's about time!!!
MyleStone has been a dream of mine for a very long time and I am very proud of this moment. I know my mom and sister are proud and I know my dad would be too. I think this has proven to be the best 'milestone' in my life so far.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed. Dr Seuss
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
How many little things can there possibly be left to do????
My dear mother came down this past weekend to help us set things up. She keeps me on track. I had found this great tobacco basket and varnished it and she had to decorate it for me. We had some left over butterflies from the window display and we thought it would be nice to somehow add them into the basket display. She ended up adding these branches from a tree we had cut and then she added the butterflies. She was like a little kid and we all loved her creation. She manages to get a PhD in Accounting, run the entire finances for a small university and she still makes great displays???? Wow, what a talented star!
This has been such a family effort and my sister has been a gem with helping me. She also keeps me on track. She has organized the jewelry and the wine and the pottery, set-up the card display, designed my business cards...whew. I know you are asking yourself, "well, what has Meredith done?" I just supervise. And take pics of Ben in the store. And sample wine. (See why I need to be kept on track?)
What a dream store!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Catching up...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I'm Floored
Sneak Preview
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Chocolate...a girl's dream
Therefore, I am thrilled to have found a wonderful pastry chef/chocolatier from a small town near Asheboro NC who is sending me some chocolates I can keep all for me, er, umm, I mean to share and sell, in the store. I will have Luca brand chocolates available beginning next weekend for the sneak preview/teaser we are having during the Dogwood Festival. I cannot wait for the Lavender honey buttercreams and the bacon caramel. Got ya thinking now don't I....
If you are nice, I will share. A little bit.
Typical Ben
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happiness Is...

Mrs. Wiseman told us things like, "Don't let that horse know you are scared." (ah, ok) or "You will not ride my horse with that attitude." (that was directed at me when I was 11) or "Get right back up on that horse." (can't count the number of times I heard that while looking up at my horse from the ground) or "Sit up straight, suck in your belly, stick out your chest and breathe." All of her sayings were applicable to real life of course if you looked at it closely. My favorite thing she ever said to me though was this..."Put your heart on the other side of that fence and go for it." This of course was something she said to help us get over whatever fear was gripping our heart. Just visualizing this worked as my levels of confidence fluctuated and it helped me tremendously.
My all-time favorite horse was named Happiness Is, aka, Izzy. He was part Saddlebred and part Thoroughbred. What a combination for a girl who loves a Thoroughbred! He would jump whatever you pointed him toward and he loved it! He was happiest when he was doing what he loved. We had a very special relationship. (I will post a pic soon of he and I.) We were buddies. We had trust.My whole point to this rambling is that fear has gripped my heart in the past few months over starting my business. I have panicked and asked myself many times various questions such as, "What are you doing??" "What if this, and what if that??" "Are you SURE??"
The answer...yes, I am sure. I have to trust my instincts. Because the road to Happiness Is...putting your heart on the other side of the fence and going for it.
I am learning you will never, ever know until you do.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Ben again...
As you know, things are moving right along. I spend a lot of time at the store getting things ready and it seems all I do is move something to another part of the store just to move it back out of the way again to the same spot. It's crazy and it's fun and I can't wait. The other day I had Ben up at the store with me. He now thinks this is his very own play space. He runs around and jumps on the platform and then chews on some tape and then gets in my way and then...I captured him in these beautiful poses. He was watching all the people walking and driving by. I seriously believe he thought they were coming by to look at him. And truthfully, I do too.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Let me introduce myself, my name is Max...
Now, enough about me. I wanted to tell you that mom is getting very excited and nervous about her store. She just oohs and aahs over so much of the artists work and she is so happy when someone lets her know they want to be in her gallery. She is one funny lady. I am the Advisor and get to help pick out the artists. What a cool job.
All the best,